Joined: Jul 1, 2016
Post Count: 359
cafe ornament
My friends...after long time I came back with a new photo series of the project I named "cafe ornament" ... Here I try to combined architecture,design,rendering etc. I still try to experiment with indirect illumination which gives more photorealistic taste for me but much much longer rendering time of-course. I try to compensate this rendering time by using IPR algorithm /which run faster than bucket/... But disadvantage of IPR is that sometimes you can see that not everything is superantialiased. Here is the very first exterior image. /DB setting here is 4/
Joined: Jul 1, 2016
Post Count: 359
Re: cafe ornament
technical parameters here... made by 1.3.1 renderer Algorithm IPR GI path DB 4 caustics 0 shininessShader silk nLFD 250 Radius 1 pic size 8000x5333px made by NVIDIA GeForce 930M in ASUS X555L
Western Europa
Joined: Mar 29, 2014
Post Count: 2614
Re: cafe ornament
And time of calculations for this very great picture ?
Evil progresses when good people do nothing! --- SH3D 7.1 and nothing else - W11 64b in 4K
[Edit 1 times,
last edit by bdfd at Oct 2, 2016, 12:20:18 PM]
Joined: Jul 1, 2016
Post Count: 359
Re: cafe ornament
And here is the very hot second one...rendering finished right now... Yes yes yes.. the most beautiful here are my favorites Tatra T3 trams. Very typical for Slovak or Czech /and many more/ cities. /modeled by Arch V./...then I love the water....and oh...some building is there
Joined: Jul 1, 2016
Post Count: 359
Re: cafe ornament
Wow... Thank you so so much guys... I study professional renderings a lot and study some visual tricks they use to make images photorealistic. Reflections on the windows are one of them. So I am really happy that I made something like that. And the second trick is water. It is the toughest problem for rendering /or for my skills of rendering/. Because water is a/translucent b/reflective and c/wavy in one.... Sure there are genial creators here...but for me it was something really tough... Here I made the same picture as previous...but not with IPR rendering but with BUCKET.... settings BUCKET....BLACK-HARRIS....AA 2/4....size 1000x666px Yes bucket is more smooth and really shiny...I love that shining materials on bucket rendering....much better then IPR... But IPR is more detailed and really fast /which is good for very slow graphic cards like I have /