Joined: May 28, 2015
Post Count: 607
Re: Photo-video rendering plug-in
I'm joining, I'm having the same problem and I'm looking for a solution too. Rendering with light bodies. In the designs I made a few years ago, the light panels appear strangely on the render images, whether visible or invisible, or of any shape, a small ball of light or a dark circle appears in the middle in each case. Of course, the sh3d version changed in the meantime. Now 7.2 and the latest plugins.
What can I do like this? 1. Should I go back to version 6.6 (on one of my PCs), but I don't remember what light kit is needed? 2. Should I replace the lighting bodies one by one with the new verzo lights (light panels), which is not a small job? 3. Or something else?
Now I'm at a loss, is there a good solution for this? Thank you!
If you want to keep the old light panels (not using the lightSourceMaterialName# property) from your previous projects, you must use a compatible version of the plug-in, i.e. before PhotoVideoRendering-2.5 . Even though it works with Sweet Home 3D 7.2, you won't benefit from the latest fixes or improvements.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
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Re: Photo-video rendering plug-in
Enkonyito, it's great you could adapt your plug-in to the way light panels are handled in version 7.0. But I wonder if it would have been possible to keep backward compatibility with the first light panels you created, because I fear that the issues reported by the Dmitriy_the_Wombat and Karoly may happen to more users. What do you think?
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: May 28, 2015
Post Count: 607
Re: Photo-video rendering plug-in
Emmanuel, I had started working on simplifying the public version of the plug-in so that its use was close to the software while keeping the most useful additional options.
As the next version will no longer manage my variable lights (automatic and daylight) because they are too complex, it would be possible to ensure backward compatibility with other old light panels.
I could then publish a beta version in case the next version of Sweet Home 3D makes changes in the photo-video rendering unless this is not planned.
Joined: May 28, 2015
Post Count: 607
Re: Photo-video rendering plug-in
Backward compatibility with my old light sources can be tested with this PVR-beta-2.8 version.
[Edit 1 times,
last edit by enkonyito at Mar 10, 2024, 3:41:45 AM]
Joined: Oct 21, 2016
Post Count: 5
Re: Photo-video rendering plug-in
Thanks Enko, I'm starting to see more clearly! I run SH3D on two PCs with similar capabilities, version 6.6 on one and version 7.2 on the other. Everything is fine, so I can run my older and newer designs and modify them as I want. Maybe later I will also try the suggestion regarding the 7.2 version.
Joined: Mar 23, 2020
Post Count: 19
Re: Photo-video rendering plug-in
Good Day l just wish to note that the plugin is capable of rendering at very large resolutions uoto 16384x16384 pixels 😊 (I just needed to recompile the source to increase the spinner max range to 16384 from 10000 pixels). Thank you
Windows 64bit | Intel i7 | 8GB Ram | SH3D 7.2 + Plugins
Joined: May 28, 2015
Post Count: 607
Re: Photo-video rendering plug-in
PhotoVideoRendering-2.8 plug-in
properties of the photo-video creation panels identical to Sweet Home 3D
not taking into account EnkoNyito's variable lights (automatic and daylight)
backward compatibility with older EnkoNyito light sources
fixed an issue with the progress bar display during simultaneous renderings
impossibility of producing a video rendering simultaneously with a photo rendering
The initial size of the plug-in (15.5MB), all operating systems, exceeds the limit allowed to be attached on SourceForge. This will be available by operating system so remember to download the appropriate version.
[Note from Emmanuel Puybaret] As SourceForge fixed the issue on attachments, I allowed myself to release a version 2.8 of the plug-in for all systems on April 18, 2024. It's accessible with the following link:
[Edit 1 times,
last edit by Puybaret at Apr 18, 2024, 4:52:25 PM]
Joined: Jan 6, 2024
Post Count: 41
Re: Photo-video rendering plug-in
The German properties file is in the archive. Also changing the language forth and back does not change it.
MSI GP60, Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy, SH3D 7.5 with Photo-video rendering 2.8
Joined: May 28, 2015
Post Count: 607
Re: Photo-video rendering plug-in
I'm missing the German translation. SH3D is version 7.3. The button and the check box are in English. The dialogs are also in English.
This is a regression due to careless copy/paste. File to replace in the archive to take full account of the German translation.
Additionally the check box is active and disabled. In previous versions it is inactive and enabled.
This is the normal behavior of this new version which is intended to be most similar to that of Sweet Home 3D. By default, sky lighting is implicitly enabled and non-editable in aerial view while it is disabled in virtual visit.
If this is too disturbing, I created a small plug-in to reproduce the properties of the aerial view camera in that of the virtual visitor.