Joined: May 28, 2015
Post Count: 607
Re: Plans for redecoration
@Xiste I missed your beautiful renderings and I like your mix stage.
The rendering time varies both with the settings and with the renderer. With the default renderer it takes between 5 - 10 minutes, but using the optional Simple Photo Renderer, it takes 15 -30 minutes. It might have something to do with the different way the bucket size is handled. The studio has a rendering farm with several Mac Pro 12-core computers connected with fiber-optical cables. When I use the default renderer, the rendering window is entirely covered by small different colored buckets, but when using the optional renderer, the buckets are a lot bigger and fewer, and works slower. I found this out just by chance, and I have not done any real testing of this. I prefer using the default renderer for interiors, and use the optional renderer for exteriors , since the enhance sky brightness sampling generally gives better results.
The sunflow doc suggested that "A larger bucket size means more RAM usage and less time rendering". So I chose a variable bucket size according to the width of the image. (image width = 512 => bucket size = 32, image width = 1024 => bucket size = 64, etc.)
I did some tests again to compare the variable bucket size with the fixed bucket size and that confirms your observation. With a fixed bucket size of 64, rendering is faster for the same settings.
Joined: Apr 18, 2014
Post Count: 259
Re: Plans for redecoration
Hi Enko, Thanks for your comment.
I used to have some skills in computers and programming back in the eighties, but as the languages have evolved and my interest have been more closely focused on sound and music production, I have now lost all touch when it comes to coding. But buckets I can still understand, so that is how my interest for the rendering time differences was caught.
The sunflow doc suggested that "A larger bucket size means more RAM usage and less time rendering".
Is this Sunflow doc an available document?
I have noticed a very annoying issue with both the default renderer and your renderer: They both shut down immediately and without warning if you hit “escape”. Is that something that can be fixed?
I have noticed a very annoying issue with both the default renderer and your renderer: They both shut down immediately and without warning if you hit “escape”. Is that something that can be fixed?
I never had the idea to press the escape key but it actually allows to close any open windows (Preferences, Modify 3D view, etc.) in Sweet Home 3D. This is surely due to the way they are managed.
Joined: Apr 18, 2014
Post Count: 259
Re: Plans for redecoration
I never had the idea to press the escape key
He he,
the thing is that when working with a multiple monitor setup, one might find oneself watching a video at youtube while waiting for the rendering to finish, and one might at times be tempted to watch a video in fullscreen modus. And to escape the fullscreen modus, one has to press ... Escape! And if the wrong screen is active, like f.i. the rendering screen; pressing escape will shut down the renderer.
Joined: Apr 18, 2014
Post Count: 259
Re: Plans for redecoration
I promised to show the rest of my studio, but I'm sorry to say I have not kept that promise. There's an unfortunate reason for that. An uncertainty about the continuance of my lease has made me delay the redecoration. No use in spending a lot of money and effort if I have to move out. The owner is hoping an application for a deregulation of the premises will pass, but no decision has been made yet. If the deregulation is not passed, I can keep my present location.
Shortly before Christmas I was offered an alternative location. Bigger, but with a reduced ceiling height ( only 4 meters, whereas I have 6 meters today). It was offered as an alternative, in case I have to move out. It's a two story location. The floor plan of the first floor looks like this.
The second floor is of equal size, but with a different layout. There's obviously a lot of planning and construction work to be done. Hopefully I will get to keep my present location. The decision will be made sometime in February.
Let me also use this opportunity to say that our new studio is built, and that we eventually got all three floors.
This is from the top floor the early process of building a mix stage mix stage, before the windows were hidden behind an acoustically and non-reverberant designed wall. In addition to minimize unwanted reverberation and keep the light out, it is also built with the intention to insulate us from the sounds of the outside world. You can see on the left side that there are already three layer of insulation. When it's finished there will be anotherwal covering that insulation, and the another three layers of insulation behind the final inner wall, which btw will be slightly slanted, to prevent sound waves from bouncing back and forth, which will happen between parallel surfaces. So all the walls will in fact be slightly slanted. With the inner walls in place, the room wil be 4m 90 wide and 10m 80 long. The height will be 3m 84 , which ideally is a bit low. In our last cinema the hight was 5m 96.
The reason for this testing is that I am about to publish a bigger presentation of how we built our new facility house, illustrated by a combination of renderings and real images, and supply the reader with an easy way to view the original full size images.