Joined: Oct 31, 2017
Post Count: 3
Re: SweetHome3D can not be used
Hello, i dunno wherelse to post my problem.
I cannot open my sh3d file, when it starts to read it it sends a simple "error" msg. just says it can{t be opened.
i actualized my java and my sh3d.exe versión already. tried to open it online. doest even give me an error msg.
i opened other .sh3d files without any problem.
my question is how, or if its even posible to open my file again? is there a way to fix it? to recover it? i already searched for FAQs and readed several fodums but havent found the answer yet.
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: SweetHome3D can not be used
Hello, Your file is probably damaged. Please send it to me so I can check if it can be repaired.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: SweetHome3D can not be used
Thanks for sending your file. Unfortunately, it contains only zeros and can't be recovered. It rarely happens and I never found how this can happen. You may have still a chance to recover a part of your work, by following this tip: check in the subfolders of C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\eTeks\Sweet Home 3D\work (where user is your login) if there are some files starting by open and ending with .sweethome3d. If such files exist, copy the most recent one, change its extension by .sh3d and try to open it with Sweet Home 3D.
Did you encounter some program crash or do you remember something weird that could have happened while using Sweet Home 3D or your computer?
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Oct 31, 2017
Post Count: 3
Re: SweetHome3D can not be used
thanx a lot Emmanuel, ive found a versión of my file that contains an 90% of my work, so its a win!.
about your question, i remember that sometimes the java took 100% of my ram, and it became very slow while saving my file. but i didnt know the zipsaving option. and i used heavy textures. so, i dunno if there was a bug. i think it was because my file was quite big (+50mgs).
Joined: Nov 7, 2005
Post Count: 9418
Re: SweetHome3D can not be used
It's great this tip helped you to retrieve a part of your work. 50 MB isn't so big, but of course it may also depend on the computer you use. By the way, what system and Sweet Home 3D versions do you use?
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D creator
Joined: Apr 28, 2024
Post Count: 3
Re: SweetHome3D can not be used
Hi Sweet Team, I'm having a similar problem. A few days ago I discovered the program to recreate my house. After drawing the first etgae, I was looking for a solution for stairs that I model myself. I discovered and installed "StaircaseGenerator-1.0". Reboot. When I tried to open my file, it suddenly doesn't work anymore. The file opens and the display is OK, but the program cannot be operated. As a Mac user (Ventura), I see the usual icon when a program crashes. If I reopen the program and create a blank document, it works. I also implemented the instructions above – as far as I understood it – unfortunately it didn't help. As a test, I removed the plugin under Library. Unfortunately, no success. I put in two days of work. Can someone help me?