




Search free 3D models

The following 66 models match your search "lampe".

Click on the images of the models to display them in 3D within your browser
or click on the link under each image to download the matching 3D model file.

Blue light source by eTeks
CC-BY - 1 kB
Camping lamp by Bloknayrb
CC-BY - 37 kB
Candle by Scopia
CC-BY - 95 kB
Candle by Scopia
CC-BY - 20 kB
Candle ornament by Peter Smolik
LAL - 190 kB
Candlestick by Sleipnir1
LAL - 120 kB
Ceiling lamp by Scopia
CC-BY - 20 kB
Ceiling lamp by MineaCristian
LAL - 20 kB
Chandelier lamp by Scopia
CC-BY - 754 kB
Classic lamppost by Kator Legaz
CC-BY - 5 kB
Desk lamp by Scopia
CC-BY - 27 kB
Desk lamp by Scopia
CC-BY - 45 kB
Desk lamp by Peter Smolik
LAL - 48 kB
Desk lamp by Ola-Kristian Hoff
LAL - 7 kB
Desk lamp by Peter Smolik
LAL - 70 kB
Desk lamp by ColdShiverGames
CC-0 - 23 kB
Fireglow light source by eTeks
CC-BY - 1 kB
Flashlight by Kator Legaz
CC-BY - 10 kB
Floor lamp by GdB
LAL - 4 kB
Floor uplight by eTeks
CC-BY - 5 kB
Fluorescent light by Kator Legaz
CC-BY - 6 kB
Fluorescent strip by Snduc
LAL - 6 kB
Fluorescent strip by Kator Legaz
CC-BY - 6 kB
Green light source by eTeks
CC-BY - 1 kB
Halogen light source by eTeks
CC-BY - 1 kB
Hanging light by Jay-Artist
CC-BY - 26 kB
Hanging light by Kator Legaz
CC-BY - 70 kB
Hanging light by Peter Smolik
LAL - 50 kB
Incandescent light source by eTeks
CC-BY - 1 kB
Japanese lantern by Mindfront
CC-0 - 55 kB
Lamp by Scopia
CC-BY - 244 kB
Lamp by Scopia
CC-BY - 139 kB
Lamp by Scopia
CC-BY - 92 kB
Lamp by Pencilart
LAL - 77 kB
Lamp by Bulgakov
CC-BY - 145 kB
Lamp by eTeks
CC-BY - 5 kB
Lamp by Megeon
CC-0 - 90 kB
Lamp by Peter Smolik
LAL - 336 kB
Little lamp by Scopia
CC-BY - 32 kB
Little lamp by Scopia
CC-BY - 69 kB
Little lamp by Scopia
CC-BY - 89 kB
Magenta light source by eTeks
CC-BY - 1 kB
Mini spot by Emmanuel Puybaret
LAL - 7 kB
Oil lamp by Ola-Kristian Hoff
LAL - 24 kB
Outdoor lamp by Mindfront
CC-0 - 9 kB
Painting light by Ronnie Tantriady
LAL - 4 kB
Park light by Kator Legaz
CC-BY - 5 kB
Pedestal vase lamp by Kator Legaz
CC-BY - 44 kB
Pendant lamp by eTeks
CC-BY - 4 kB
Pendant lamp by Scopia
CC-BY - 291 kB
Pendant light by Sheep
LAL - 85 kB
Porch light by Kator Legaz
CC-BY - 42 kB
Red light source by eTeks
CC-BY - 1 kB
Spotlight by eTeks
CC-BY - 3 kB
Street lamp by Scopia
CC-BY - 70 kB
Street light by Scopia
CC-BY - 12 kB
Street light by Ola-Kristian Hoff
LAL - 6 kB
Track lights by Kator Legaz
CC-BY - 75 kB
Wall lamp by alaX
LAL - 12 kB
Wall lamp by Ola-Kristian Hoff
LAL - 2 kB
Wall lamp artwork by Kator Legaz
CC-BY - 25 kB
Wall light by Ndakasha
CC-0 - 58 kB
Wall spotlight by Kator Legaz
CC-BY - 43 kB
Wall uplight by eTeks
CC-BY - 2 kB
White light source by eTeks
CC-BY - 1 kB
Work lamp by eTeks
CC-BY - 7 kB
LAL = Free Art License
CC-BY = Creative Commons Attribution License
CC-0 = Public domain

The creator of each 3D model is indicated when you place the mouse pointer on its image.
The models surrounded with a green border are available in the default catalog of Sweet Home 3D 7.5 free version.

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