



Sweet Home 3D Blog

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Sweet Home 3D 3.6

Sweet Home 3D 3.6 was released on September 6, 2012 with a few enhancements and small bug fixes described in version history. Here are the most important ones:

Texts rotation in plan

The free texts, the name of furniture and the name and area of rooms can be now oriented in the plan, thanks to a new indicator drawn at the top of a text when it belongs to the selected item.

Storage of the last selected folders

To avoid you to navigate to the folder of your choice each time you need to open or save a document generated by Sweet Home 3D, the last folder selected in the file chooser is now stored by the program. As you may prefer to separate your documents by type (images, SH3D files, exports...) in different folders, Sweet Home 3D remembers also the various folders you selected for each type for more efficiency.

Homonyms in catalog

Furniture and textures with the same name are not followed anymore by a number between hyphens. This feature was a consequence of the prohibition of homonyms in a category and obliged you to give a unique name each time you imported a piece in the furniture catalog. But this limitation didn't look like an interesting feature since you can easily recognized a piece by its icon if needed, so I removed it.

Management of corrupted SH3D files

I receive regularly SH3D files from users that could edit their file but not save it. Actually, their file is corrupted probably because of a faulty file transfer or a crash. In a way, being able to open such a file could be seen as a nice feature (even if it contained some visible errors marked with red), but at the end, it was very frustrating not to be able to save it after spending some time on its modifications. To avoid such an issue, I changed how SH3D files are read, and now opening such a corrupted file will lead directly to an error.

Partnership with OpenCandy

In the hope of getting more funds to develop Sweet Home 3D, I recently started a partnership with OpenCandy. When the program installation wizard is run under Windows, OpenCandy shows an additional screen which proposes you to install another software, and pays me a few cents when you accept it. Whether you accept this offer or not, no other advertising will be shown anywhere in Sweet Home 3D itself after installation. If you want to avoid this process, you can still install Sweet Home 3D with Java Web Start.

Finally, to help users be more trustful about the origin of Sweet Home 3D, I signed Windows and Mac OS X applications and installers with my certified digital signature (software editor shown as Emmanuel Puybaret). As this certificate is issued by GlobalSign and not by Apple, it miserably won't be of any help to pass GateKeeper default setting under Mac OS X 10.8, where you'll have to run Sweet Home 3D the first time with the Open command shown in its contextual menu.

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Re: Sweet Home 3D 3.6

Good to have new useful functionalities. Thank you a lot for new release 

Re: Sweet Home 3D 3.6

 thankyou, thankyou for this great tool.

Avatar: Un Ancien FAN

Re: Sweet Home 3D 3.6

Deja je tiens à commencer par des félicitations!!! cela faisais longtemps que je n'étais plus venu par ici. Et voir toutes ces nouveautés me rappel tous ces doux moments ou je me suis battus avec les alignements et les deuxièmes niveaux etc...

Bravo pour ce beau boulot. (Grace à SH3D j'ai presque tout conçus j'ai moi.)

Je me demandais d'ailleurs si une fonction pour le cablage éléctrique pourrait être incorporé et la je vous dis pas tout les heureux!


Avatar: Dhiruj Rambaran

Re: Sweet Home 3D 3.6

I have to say I really like this software. I am not an architect or a CAD person, I just wanted something simple and easy to use. I have not read any of the tutorials but, on my first day, I've already learned so much... thanks to how your software works so intuitively and simply. If a person can make software this much intuitively so that a simple person like me can use it, then you have made a great achievement. 

I will continue using this software and recommend to all my friends.


Avatar: neb

Re: Sweet Home 3D 3.6

Juste pour dire merci pour ce soft puissant et libre, qui me permet de faire les plans de ma grange que j'adapte en logement. C'est cool que ça existe et c'est super bien foutu, si j'avais un regret, ça serait sur les rendu 3D très long malgré une machine puissante, et sur l'absence de reverberation de la lumière du soleil sur les murs/sols, (quant on doit gérer la luminosité d'un lieu sombre, c'est assez décevant de mettre des fenetres et de pas voir la lumière se diffuser dans la piece). Enfin, en rajoutant quelques lumières manuellement ça le fait. Peut-être pour de futures version. En tout cas, merci ! 

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