



Sweet Home 3D Blog

This blog presents news and tips about Sweet Home 3D.

How to get softer shadows

This tip shows the influence of the size of lights on the rendering of the shadows in Sweet Home 3D.
Here is a room with a decorated corner that we want to enlighten (available in the file ChristmasLights.sh3d):

When rendered with the photo creation tool at the fastest quality level and at the best quality level with default ceiling lights, you get the following results:

At the fastest quality level

At the best quality level with default ceiling light
on Christmas day at 16:00 in Paris

Now, let's cancel the ceiling light by unselecting the Add ceiling lights check box, add a light source in the room and change its size to see the effect it will give on the shadows in the scene.
Here is the result with a 10 centimeters wide halogen light source:

Here is the result with a 50 cm wide light source:

Here is the result with a 100 cm wide lightsource:

Multiplying light sources might also give softer shadows, but keep in mind that the more lights you'll add to your plan, the longer it will take to be rendered. You may also try special effects like in the following image where light sources of different colors were placed on the Christmas tree.

Merry Christmas to you all!

Thanks to Sophie for her help in the writing of this tip

Avatar: Luis

Re: How to get softer shadows

 Thank you very much from Madrid. Merry Christmas!

Re: How to get softer shadows


Avatar: Adam

Re: How to get softer shadows

 Wow that is really impressive.  I just started using SweetHome3D and it works really well!

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