1000 models for 1000 likes
On January 12, 2015, Sweet Home 3D facebook page reached 1000 likes. Thanks for your support!
1000Likes.sh3d (2.7 MB)
To celebrate this event, here are 60 new 3D models designed by Scopia and Blend Swap contributors, that should help you to better arrange and decorate your Sweet Home 3D projects. This update includes a few pieces of furniture, but also vehicles from stroller to cars, sport and exterior leisure equipment, fireplaces, plants and flowers, as well as a few animals. The following image shows the new models and I hope you'll find them useful.
Sweet Home 3D lets you use now more than 1000 models under a free license, either coming from the default catalog or from the free 3D models page. The following SH3F furniture libraries were also updated to include the new models as well as a few fixed ones:
- 3DModels-Contributions-1.5.zip (25 MB - 365 models - Free Art License)
- 3DModels-LucaPresidente-1.5.zip (4 MB - 89 models - Free Art License)
- 3DModels-Scopia-1.5.zip (30 MB - 160 models + 30 new models - CC-BY License)
- 3DModels-KatorLegaz-1.5.zip (9 MB - 90 models - CC-BY License)
- 3DModels-BlendSwap-CC-0-1.5.zip (16 MB - 80 models + 5 new models - Public domain)
- 3DModels-BlendSwap-CC-BY-1.5.zip (25 MB - 85 models + 25 new models - CC-BY License)
- 3DModels-Reallusion-1.5.zip (8 MB - 19 models - CC-BY License)
- 3DModels-Trees-1.5.zip (8 MB - 7 models - Fre Art License)
These SH3F files are (partially or fully) translated in Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Vietnamese.
The furniture catalog available in the Sweet Home 3D Online was also updated to let users have access to the 1025 available models. Note that the new Scopia 3D models are copyrighted jointly by Emmanuel Puybaret / eTeks and Scopia Visual Interfaces Systems.
Many thanks to all the designers and the translators for their contribution to free models:
Absfrm, Alaskaman, Alberto Della Salandra, Andreas Kirsch, Antonio Guadagnino, Arturo Matheus, Ashaihullin, Avi9526, Aymanslman, B2przemo, Baffab, Bastable, Ben Omari, Betomo16, Bgamage, Bheema, BigMouse, Bjo.bernis, BMF, Bocko, BrunoMatheus, Bulgakov, Carlos Segura, Carvalho, Cattail, Celticluis, Cephei, Chemsciguy, Chiyoko Miklasevich, Christophe Tellerain, ColdShiverGames, ConsiEdilizia, Dalenryder, Dante, DennisH2010, Derte21, Diestel, Dingenskirchen, Don Ravey, DooL, Doug C, Doujon, Dzerbs, Elhzar, exL, Fabbyone, Fabrice Delobe, Farcgs, Florian Haag, Gaël Bettinelli, GdB, Geantick, Gerwin Harmsen, ghr424, Gwinna, GyngaNynja, Hansmex, HeraSK, Hermescn, Hilux, Icarus, Icybones, Infernal-quack, Jarda Benkovsky, Jay-Artist, jclevet.net, Jeff2207, Jeffie, Jo.3D, JonFreer, Jukka Hyytiälä, Jviersalas, Knyghtfall13x, Krabz, LarryStephenRobb, Leximumxii, Loopo, LucaPresidente, Lucas Germano, Lucas Klink, LVlittering, Mahesh, Mahmood, Manitislate, Mano, Martanda, Martin Karlsson, MattMump, Maui, Mayollo, Michtek, Migdalia Lopez, Miguel Angel Serra, Mik1190, Mitch37, Miyoko, Mofx, Mothome, Mücahit Baydar, Muhtesemozcinar, N Mi, NabHlEsCK, Nictac, Niebieski, Nikitron, Nmn9, North.star, Numroud, Okh, Oldtimer, Ondrej Dolejsi, Pablo Mayordomo, Paco, Pawel "Bizkit" Popanda, Pawła Antkowiaka, Pedro Albuquerque, Pencilart, Peter Smolik, Poifox, Priide, PrinterKiller, Psycheye, Pyrophorus, Radio hate, Ralmon, Rameshrj, Razi, Redsymbzone, Reduno, RegusTtef, Renderbob, Rlocatelli, Rob van den Berg, Robert Pastierovic, Roberto Rocha, Robo3dguy, Rodrigoalves123, Roman Polášek, Rosella Mariotti, Rosenth, Ruff, Russian, SaiZyca2, Samo Mole, Sangio, Seavenois, Sebastian Breuer, Semhustej, Sergio Capretta, SEspider, Sheep, Shivraj, Siath, Simone Bufalino, SirOccor, Sizzler, Sleipnir1, Snduc, Snu, Songkro, SonnySee, Starkblend, Štefan Novák, Swapnilrocks98, Swno, Szita Balázs, Szymon Chojnacki, Szymon Życiński, Tadine, Takahiro Sato, Tappi, Tastykle3d, Teguh9384, Theo Blonk, Thomas Zimmermann, Toomy, TripleJ, Tuấn Phùng, Uiko, Valdps, Viktor Miklósi, Voodoc, Vy, Wfg5001, Wrosun, Xablend1122, Zema, Έλλη Νικολάου, Ηλία Τσιάντα, Андрей Прищенко, Андрей Суржиков, Басимов Ильгиз, Валентин Казимиров, Валентин Ласков, Иван Старчевић, Кунаков Антон Юрьевич, Ольге, Снежана Лукић, Юрия Смирнова, 백호석, 方则蘅, 李新廠, 赵斯聪, Carlos Folch from Scopia, Andrew Kator & Jennifer Legaz, Blend Swap and Reallusion.
Happy New Year 2015!
Let's hope that 2015 will finish better than it started and that Freedom will always win in a peaceful world.
In memory of Charb, Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous and the other victims of the recent events.