



Sweet Home 3D Blog

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Sweet Home 3D 7.1

Sweet Home 3D 7.1 was released on March 3, 2023 to fix blocking bugs under Windows and macOS, and to bring a few improvements described in version history, along with 110 new 3D models in furniture libraries.

Bug fixes

Thanks to the help of some patient users, I could understand how two annoying bugs happened and then fix them:

  • Under Windows, a bug could display a completely wrong 3D view with weird dark surfaces converging to the origin and bad furniture icons in the plan. This was caused by recent updates of AMD Adrenalin graphics driver which will fix this issue soon. Meanwhile, the version 7.1 will circumvent this issue if you install Sweet Home 3D 64 bit.
  • Under macOS, a bug prevented to import 3D models with a freeze of the program after the first step of the furniture import wizard. Actually, this bug happened when windows arranging tools like BetterSnapTool or Rectangle are running and the version 7.1 won't freeze anymore even if you don't quit these tools.

The JAR executable version of Sweet Home 3D 7.1 fixes also difficulties to run the program with recent versions of Java (with Java 16 and more revent versions, it could run only from the command line with additional --add-opens=... parameters).

Another old bug which corrupts Sweet Home 3D windows when used with Nahimic service seems to be about to be fixed from the suggestions of Andrew Minor who helped me on AMD Adrenalin graphics driver too.

Finally, note that the existing Portuguese translation of this new version was replaced with Portuguese / Portugal translation performed by Pedro Albuquerque. Therefore, existing Brazilian users should now select Português - Brasil translation in the Preferences pane if they want to use Sweet Home 3D Brazilian version, and other Portuguese speaking users should update the furniture libraries and textures libraries they previsouly installed.

Furniture description

This version brings a new field named Description to the furniture modification dialog. This field lets you enter any additional information that you may find useful for a piece of furniture.
This description may also be entered and localized for some pieces of SH3F furniture libraries with the Furniture Library Editor. When a piece of furniture read from a SH3F file has its description# property set, it will be displayed in its catalog tool tip below the name of the piece, as shown in the following screenshot.

Furniture libraries 1.9

Furniture libraries were updated with 110 additional free 3D models shown in the following image and for the Portuguese translation change. 68 models come from the ones recently requested by the French forensics, with more car and train models, roads, railroads, heaps, child mannequins,...

Some other models were designed to cover the needs of occupational therapists who use more and more often Sweet Home 3D to arrange rooms for people with disabilities (models associated to the keyword PWD).

Finally, new flowers and other models will help you to get a nicer touch in your interior and exterior arrangements.

These additional models are available at the free 3D models page and in the updated SH3F furniture libraries contained in the following ZIP files (I also fixed a few models):

Texture libraries 1.3

Texture libraries were updated with 5 additional textures representing asphalt and requested by the French forensics. They were also updated for the Portuguese translation change.
The updated SH3T textures libraries are available in the following ZIP files:

The previous SH3F and SH3T libraries are (partially or fully) translated in Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Vietnamese.
Like during recent updates, the new Scopia 3D models and textures are copyrighted jointly by Emmanuel Puybaret / eTeks and Scopia Visual Interfaces Systems.
The furniture and textures catalog available in the paid versions of the Windows Store and the Mac App Store will also be updated to propose the 1610 models and 423 textures now available.

Many thanks to aminor00, LR9215 and Frank for their help to fix bugs, to Carlos Folch from Scopia for his new 3D models and to the translators for their contribution to free models.

Re: Sweet Home 3D 7.1

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