See: Description
Class | Description |
AutoCommitSpinner |
A spinner which commits its value during edition and selects
the value displayed in its editor when it gains focus.
AutoCommitSpinner.SpinnerModuloNumberModel |
A spinner number model that will reset to minimum when maximum is reached.
AutoCompleteTextField |
A text field that suggests to the user strings stored in auto completion strings in the user preferences.
BackgroundImageWizardStepsPanel |
Wizard panel for background image choice.
BaseboardChoiceComponent |
Baseboard editing panel.
CatalogItemToolTip |
A tool tip displaying the information and the icon of a catalog item.
ColorButton |
Button displaying a color as an icon.
CompassPanel |
Compass editing panel.
Component3DTransferHandler |
A transfer handler for the 3D view.
ControllerAction |
An action which
actionPerformed method
will call a parametrizable method. |
DimensionLinePanel |
Dimension line editing panel.
FileContentManager |
Content manager for files with Swing file choosers.
FontNameComboBox |
A combo box used to choose the name of a font.
FurnitureCatalogListPanel |
A furniture catalog view that displays furniture in a list, with a combo and search text field.
FurnitureCatalogTransferHandler |
Catalog transfer handler.
FurnitureCatalogTree |
A tree displaying furniture catalog by category.
FurnitureTable |
A table displaying home furniture.
FurnitureTablePanel |
A panel displaying home furniture table and other information like totals.
FurnitureTablePanel.UserPreferencesChangeListener |
Preferences property listener bound to this component with a weak reference to avoid
strong link between preferences and this component.
FurnitureTransferHandler |
Home furniture transfer handler.
HelpPane |
A pane displaying Sweet Home 3D help.
Home3DAttributesPanel |
Home 3D attributes editing panel.
HomeComponent3D |
A component that displays home walls, rooms and furniture with Java 3D.
HomeFurniturePanel |
Home furniture editing panel.
HomePane |
The MVC view that edits a home.
HomePDFPrinter |
Home PDF printer.
HomePrintableComponent |
A printable component used to print or preview the furniture, the plan
and the 3D view of a home.
HomeTransferableList |
A transferable class that manages the transfer of a list of items in a home.
IconManager |
Singleton managing icons cache.
ImportedFurnitureWizardStepsPanel |
Wizard panel for furniture import.
ImportedTextureWizardStepsPanel |
Wizard panel for background image choice.
JPEGImagesToVideo |
This program takes a list of images and convert them into a
QuickTime movie.
LabelPanel |
Label editing panel.
LevelPanel |
Level editing panel.
LocatedTransferHandler |
Transfer handler that stores the dropped location of mouse pointer.
ModelMaterialsComponent |
Button giving access to materials editor.
ModelPreviewComponent |
Super class of 3D preview component for model.
MultipleLevelsPlanPanel |
A panel for multiple levels plans where users can select the displayed level.
NullableCheckBox |
A check box that accepts
null values. |
NullableSpinner |
Spinner that accepts empty string values.
NullableSpinner.NullableSpinnerDateModel |
Spinner date model that accepts
null values. |
NullableSpinner.NullableSpinnerLengthModel |
Nullable spinner model displaying length values matching preferences unit.
NullableSpinner.NullableSpinnerModuloNumberModel |
A nullable spinner number model that will reset to minimum when maximum is reached.
NullableSpinner.NullableSpinnerNumberModel |
Spinner number model that accepts
null values. |
ObserverCameraPanel |
Observer camera editing panel.
PageSetupPanel |
Home page setup editing panel.
PhotoPanel |
A panel to edit photo creation.
PhotoPanel.LanguageChangeListener |
Preferences property listener bound to this panel with a weak reference to avoid
strong link between user preferences and this panel.
PhotoSizeAndQualityPanel |
A panel to edit photo size and quality.
PhotoSizeAndQualityPanel.LanguageChangeListener |
Preferences property listener bound to this panel with a weak reference to avoid
strong link between user preferences and this panel.
PhotosPanel |
A panel to edit photos created at home points of view.
PhotosPanel.LanguageChangeListener |
Preferences property listener bound to this panel with a weak reference to avoid
strong link between user preferences and this panel.
PlanComponent |
A component displaying the plan of a home.
PlanComponent.IndicatorType |
Indicator types that may be displayed on selected items.
PlanTransferHandler |
Plan transfer handler.
PolylinePanel |
User preferences panel.
PrintPreviewPanel |
Home print preview editing panel.
ProportionalLayout |
A layout manager that displays two components at the top of each other.
ResourceAction |
An action with properties read from a resource bundle file.
ResourceAction.ButtonAction |
An action decorator for buttons.
ResourceAction.MenuItemAction |
An action decorator for menu items.
ResourceAction.PopupMenuItemAction |
An action decorator for popup menu items.
ResourceAction.ToolBarAction |
An action decorator for tool bar buttons.
RoomPanel |
Room editing panel.
ScaledImageComponent |
Component displaying an image scaled to fit within its bound.
SwingTools |
Gathers some useful tools for Swing.
SwingViewFactory |
View factory that instantiates the Swing components of this package.
TextureChoiceComponent |
Button displaying a texture as an icon.
ThreadedTaskPanel |
A MVC view of a threaded task.
UnfocusableToolBar |
A tool bar where all components are maintained unfocusable.
UserPreferencesPanel |
User preferences panel.
VideoPanel |
A panel used for video creation.
VideoPanel.LanguageChangeListener |
Preferences property listener bound to this panel with a weak reference to avoid
strong link between user preferences and this panel.
VisualTransferHandler |
Transfer handler with visual representation on systems that support it.
WallPanel |
Wall editing panel.
WizardPane |
Wizard pane.
Enum | Description |
CatalogItemToolTip.DisplayedInformation |
Type of information displayed by a tool tip.
HomeComponent3D.Projection | |
HomePrintableComponent.Variable |
List of the variables that the user may insert in header and footer.
PlanComponent.PaintMode |
The circumstances under which the home items displayed by this component will be painted.
ProportionalLayout.Constraints |
The two locations where components managed by a
ProportionalLayout instance can be placed. |
Exception | Description |
InterruptedPrinterException |
A printer exception thrown when print is interrupted.
All these components are created on demand by the
class that implements the
interface specified in the
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Distributed under GNU General Public License