




Search free 3D models

The following 9 models match your search "stones".

Click on the images of the models to display them in 3D within your browser
or click on the link under each image to download the matching 3D model file.

Curtain rod by Geantick
LAL - 13 kB
Curtains by eTeks
CC-BY - 10 kB
Rock by 10000bones
CC-0 - 69 kB
Rock by 10000bones
CC-0 - 75 kB
Rock by 10000bones
CC-0 - 82 kB
Stone grill device by Scopia
CC-BY - 129 kB
Stone lantern by Argonius
CC-0 - 43 kB
Stone lantern by CerFriBar
CC-0 - 83 kB
Stone washbasin by Scopia
CC-BY - 100 kB
LAL = Free Art License
CC-BY = Creative Commons Attribution License
CC-0 = Public domain

The creator of each 3D model is indicated when you place the mouse pointer on its image.
The models surrounded with a green border are available in the default catalog of Sweet Home 3D 7.5 free version.

Return to the free 3D models page.

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