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Re: Stair builder

I am impressed with the modifications made on this plugin. I have encountered a bug on a Mac.
The top of the stair builder window. Is chopped of. I cannot select the type of stair case or enter the top parameters.

I hope you would be able to fix the problem. Perhaps a scroll??? Or an ability to enlarge the pop-up window???

Many thanks
[Dec 13, 2024, 2:19:53 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 

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Re: Stair builder

Many thanks for the great adaptions on the existing plug-in.
I have encountered a bug on...
Sweet Home 3d version 7.5 on the Mac.
OpenJDK 15.0.10 on ARM
Stairbuilder v.1.0 beta 3

I am missing the top part of the popup window. The first two parameters: Stair type and stair count.

It is like the window is just not big enough.
There is no options to stretch or expand the window, nor no scroll bars.
Is there anything you can do to fix this problem?
many thanks smile applause
[Dec 16, 2024, 4:21:08 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Stair builder

You've right!
I've encountered the same problems under linux with Nimbus LaF.
I'll fix-it when times come.
Until than I try to make this plugin to respect the general requirements of ergonomic and safety.
I still have to find solutions for another 150 to 300 possibly variants.
I can't promise when, especially because I do it for may personal use.
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[Dec 17, 2024, 8:56:04 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Stair builder

Rules for stairs

The tread depth (run) of staircase have to be measured from left side or inner:
- at 50 cm if wide is <=1 m and
- at 60 cm if wide is > 1m
It has to be 10" to 12"; Recommended 11" (25.4 to 30.48 cm; Recommended 27.94 cm)

Treads depth for winder stairs turn
Winder treads shall have a minimum tread depth of 10 inches (254 mm) measured at a point 12 inches (305) mm from the side where the treads are narrower.
Winder treads shall have a minimum tread depth of 6 inches (152 mm) at any point.
Within any flight of stairs, the greatest winder tread depth at the 12 inch (305 mm) walk line shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).

Treads count for squared spiral
"Calculation of the stairs with a pivoting steps of 90°.
In my experience the best is 3 steps with a width of 80 cm.
More - steps will be too narrow and so uncomfortable."

* * For me, at a 90° winder stairs turn, it appear too restrictive.
* * Probably they have right considering the safety rules but ...
* ** So, for square spiral stair I'll use the measure of walk line at 50 cm.
* ** The measure have to start from pole (excluded)
* ** For uniformity variation I'll use 1.0 cm.

Tread hight (Step rise)
For a staircase it have to be 4" to 8.25". Recommended 7"
That mean 10.16~20.955 cm. Recommended 17.78 cm
* **I've used some rounded values:10.2, 17.8, 21.0 cm

Tread offset (nosing)
For a staircase is required!
It have to be 1" to 1.1/2" projection beyond the riser face

Nosing overlaps must be at least 16mm

Projection: The nosing must project between 3/4 inch (19 mm) and 1 1/4 inches (32 mm).
This ensures the nosing provides enough of an extended stepping surface.
* ** I'll use 1.6~3.2 cm optimum 2.5 cm

Stairs Width
For a staircase wider than 1.8 m, a balustrade is required in the middle

Minimum Distance Between Two Railings — Under 30”

Handrail IBC Code Requirement
1: Handrail Height — 34”- 38”
2: Handrail Diameter — 1.25” – 2”
If the handrail isn’t circular, the perimeter dimension should not be less than 4 inches and mustn’t be greater than 6.25 inches.
The maximum and minimum cross-sectional dimension should be 2.25 inches and 1 inch, respectively.
A minimum radius of 0.01 inches is required for the edges.
3: Minimum Hand Clearance — Not Less Than 1.5” (3.81 or ~4.0 cm)
4: Maximum Projection of Railing — 4.5” (11.4 cm)
“Projections into the required width of aisles, stairways, and ramps at each side shall not exceed 4.5 inches (114 mm) at or below the handrail height.”
5: Minimum Distance Between Two Railings — Under 30”
* ** I'll use: 86.4 to 96.5 cm with optim 91.44 (36")

Handrail 2010 ADA Standards Code Requirement
505.7.1 Circular Cross Section Handrail
* shall have an outside diameter of 1.25" (32 mm) minimum and 2" (51 mm) maximum.
505.7.2 Non-Circular Cross Sections Handrail
* shall have a perimeter dimension of 4" (100 mm) minimum and 6.25" (160 mm) maximum,
* and a cross-section dimension of 1" (25 mm) minimum and 2.25" (57 mm) maximum.
* A minimum radius of 0.01 inches is required for the edges.
* ** I'll use handrail width range: 3.2 cm to 5.1 cm

Regulations stipulate that a 100mm sphere should not be able to pass through any openings between spindles or any other gaps in the handrail, such as between glass panels.
This is to prevent small children from getting their head stuck.

Pitch: optimal 7"/11"(Angle: 32.5° or Slope: 64%)
Staircase category according to angle range (from 0° to 90°) or to slope range (from 0% to 380%):
-ramps: angle: 0° to 18°; Preferred: 0° to 7°; slope: 0% to 32%; Preferred: 0% to 12%
-stairs: angle: 18° to 50°; Preferred: 30° to 37°; Optimal: 32° to 33°; Ideally: 32.5°
slope: 32% to 102%; Preferred: 58% to 75%; Optimal: 64%
-ladders: angle: 50° to 90°; slope: 102% to N/A
---stepladders & raised fixed ladders: angle: 50° to 75°; slope: 102% to 373%
---ladder with rungs: angle: 75° to 90°; slope: 373% to N/A

Formula: (Rise / Run ) x 100 = % Slope

Job verdict using angle and comfort

Dmitry Zhitov: „The length of the pitch man is 60 to 66 cm, on average - 63 cm.
Comfortable stairs corresponds to the formula: 2 step height + depth level = 63±3 cm.”

Francois Blondel formula: g + 2r = 24 inches (60.96 cm so, 61 cm)
24 inches is 610mm, roughly in the middle of the 550mm to 700mm (21³/₄" to 27¹/₂")
* ** I'll use 55 to 70 cm for Stride length

A new beta version .
Probably this will be the final look even I'm not very satisfied.
I've tried to implement the above set of rules. Some of them not yet.
Not fully functional and many calculus could be false.
Try it with care!!
I'm interested on how it work under MacOS. I don't have the possibility to test.
Few pictures:

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[Feb 10, 2025, 8:03:15 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Stair builder

Great work with this new version of the staircase generator!

Tread offset (nosing)
For a staircase is required!
It differs per country. Instead of a nose you can have a sloping riser to get a thread offset.

Staircase regulations differ per country. When you create a staircase you should check the requirements for the location of your project. Most will be very close or the same as the numbers you listed but there are subtle differences.

Public staircases are different
Staircases in public buildings have different and extra requirements. Sometimes no nose or only a very small one is allowed. Most building codes require a non-slip surface at the top/front of the threads and some codes require it to be in a contrasting color. In most cases this is a rubber or plastic L-strip at the top/front of the thread. A sloping riser allows for a deep enough thread offset without the need for a 'real' nose.
Some building codes have the requirement for intermediate landings at specific heights/#steps for long staircases.
In most cases handrails on both sides are required and not optional and they have to extend beyond the first and last step.
A public staircase has a larger minimum width requirement to allow safe two-way traffic and some countries require a center handrail for wide staircases.

When you create a staircase for a public building you should definitely check the local building codes because they can differ very much between countries.
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[Feb 10, 2025, 9:30:28 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Stair builder

Thanks Keet!
1. About nosing: The plugin let user set it at 0 and ignore the recommendations.
I knew that could be at a slope angle but it is difficult to make programmatically at least on the current approach.
2. On my research I've seen the regulations for public stairs and I've limited the plugin purpose to domestic use.
For public stairs your library it is more performant.
3. I've tried to improve the cut out shape to meet head room and handrails requirements.
Unfortunately, I think I've ruin most of the situations. There is more to work (and math to learn).
4. Not all the controllers are functional at this moment(like middle steps).
I've add it to make room for it on UI but I don't know (yet) how to implement it.
5. There is many things TODO, to verify and correct it.
6. After I'll implement the middle steps count I'll continue with custom cut out shape for U_SHAPE varints.
7. My intention wasn't to generate "good looking" stairs but correct stairs.
A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do. Murphy's Law
When all else fails, read the instructions. Murphy's Law
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[Feb 11, 2025, 1:09:30 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: Stair builder

2. On my research I've seen the regulations for public stairs and I've limited the plugin purpose to domestic use.
Very understandable. A public staircase can have some pretty different requirements that are hard to implement for generic, domestic staircases. I just added the info for those who want to create a public staircase and find out that the stair builder is for domestic staircases.

About the cutout shapes: Creating the cutout itself is not that difficult, but it's very difficult to determine what the points of the staircase are that you should use for the cutout. So I understand the trouble you have with these cutouts!

You might want to check out the L parameter for cutouts. It draws a line from the last point to the absolute L coordinate. That might be easier for creating weird cutouts. As you know I work a lot with dodecagon shapes and a cutout for such a shape looks like this:
M0,0.366022099 v0.267955801 L0.133977901,0.866022099 L0.366022099,1 h0.267955801 L0.866022099,0.866022099 L1,0.633977901 v-0.267955801 L0.866022099,0.133977901 L0.633977901,0 h-0.267955801 L0.133977901,0.133977901 z
I used a calculator site to calculate the corner points for me, which I then used for the L values. One of those sites might help you in finding formulas to create cutouts.

I assume you already have the SVGPathMiniManualForSweetHome3D, otherwise you can download it here: Guide for SVG Path cut-outs and other furniture properties (PDF) by OKH or from the manuals section on
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[Feb 11, 2025, 2:20:15 PM] Show Printable Version of Post    View Member Profile    Send Private Message [Link] Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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