Additional contributors libraries
The recent Paris Open Source Summit gives us the opportunity to pay tribute to all the Sweet Home 3D contributors who, driven by the same open source software spirit, designed and shared some 3D models and libraries with the community.
In this article, we wanted to especially report some additional libraries which can be useful in specific designs, in addition to the libraries listed in the 3D models import page.
2D symbols libraries
Let’s start to thank Dorin who created different libraries of emergency, electrical and furniture 2D symbols shown below. These objects can be viewed only in the plan and in the furniture list of a home, and are not visible in the 3D view.
Emergency symbols by Dorin
(904 kB - 40 models - GNU General Public License)
Electrical symbols
(1.1 MB - 72 models - GNU General Public License)
Furniture symbols
(1.3 MB - 71 models - GNU General Public License)
These libraries (and other ones) are available as SH3F files that you can download in the ticket #325 of the 3D Models Contributions Tracking System at
To learn more about Dorin's contribution, you can also read this thread in the forum.
Once downloaded, a SH3F file can be installed by choosing Furniture > Import furniture library menu item in Sweet Home 3D or by double-clicking on it under Windows and Mac OS X. After the installation of a furniture library, the items it contains are available in the Furniture catalog pane and you can add them to the plan.
To uninstall a SH3F file, display Sweet Home 3D About dialog box, then click on the Libraries... button shown at bottom and click on a furniture library listed in the Libraries in use dialog box. This will open the folder where this SH3F file is installed. Finally, delete the SH3F file and restart Sweet Home 3D. Note that even if you delete a library, the items added to a SH3D file won't be lost.
You may also create you own SH3F files or edit existing ones, using the Furniture Library Editor (read also the Create your 3D models section in 3D models import page).
Electrical and plumbing libraries
Let's also thank FDpaffie who created a library containing electrical 3D models available in ticket #406 and a library of 64 models of plumbing pipes and rings, locks and handles available in ticket #404 as shown below.
Electrical models and water valves by FDpaffie
(1.8 MB - 10 models - Free Art License)
Plumbing pipes and rings
(10.7 MB - 64 models - CC-BY License)
In ticket #403, he also proposes a library of junction boxes 3D models for electrical purpose (3.5 MB - 51 models - Free Art License).
Roofs, windows and framing
Okh, a very faithful contributor, created many interesting libraries. Most of them are provided as SH3D files from which you can copy the models you want to paste them in your own design.
First, in ticket #430, he proposes 14 roof parts that you can assemble to create your own roof.
Roof parts by Okh
(123 kB - 14 models - Free Art License)
In ticket #372, he also proposes an octagon roof.
Half window and door
(3 kB - 2 models - Free Art License)
He also proposes in ticket #405 windows of various shapes described in this thread of the forum.
Funny windows (7 models - Free Art License)
In ticket #257, Krams036 proposes another roof parts library shown below.
Roof parts by Krams036
(176 kB - 22 models - Free Art License)
On his side, BigRyan proposes to the community a lumber framing library in ticket #421.
Dimensional lumber library by BigRyan
(1.6 MB - 30 models - Free Art License)
Shop designed with dimensional lumber library
And, if you need a magnificent triangular entrance, you can download the following model designed by Santuna Bose from ticket #386.
Triangular entrance (796 kB - 1 model - Free Art License)
3D letters and digits
FDpaffie also created a large 3D alphabet set available in ticket #449 and used it to design a furniture library made out of characters.
3D alphabet by FDpaffie
(3.6 MB - 524 models - Free Art License)
Similarly, Francesco Deep also shared his own 3D alphabet in ticket #402 shown below.
3D alphabet by Francesco Deep
(123 kB - 48 models - Free Art License)
For fun
For the fun, you could try to build castles with the Dungeon Builder library designed by John and available in ticket #424.
Dungeon Builder v5 library by John
(10.9 MB - 51 models - Free Art License)
You could also reuse the amazing Starship Entreprise library created Desslok and available in this thread of the forum to furnish your home or your starship, like in this USS Enterprise Walkthrough video he created in March 2015.
Starship Entreprise library by Desslock
(17.4 MB - 32 models - Free license requiring attribution to Kenneth Mayes)
Other useful objects
Regularly, some 3D models proposed by Sweet Home 3D contributors are also added to the contributions library. Since its last update, more 3D models have been contributed in the 3D models contributions page at as well as in the of Sweet Home 3D forum, like these staircases designed by Graff or these fences designed by bdfd. Don't hesitate to explore by yourself these places to find more models, or even better, to post your own 3D models, improvements of existing ones or homes designed with these models. To make your contributions as reusable as possible, you could also read this thread.
Since the first publication of this article in December 2017, new libraires and 3D models have been posted by contributors in the 3D Models Contributions Tracking System at
This May 2023 update proposes a selection of these models. Many thanks to all the contributors, and long live to the Open Source community!
2D symbols librairies
Let’s start with a library of 2D Electrical symbols used in the United States library designed by Gary Pardun with Gimp. The library is available as a SH3F file that you can download in ticket #566.
After installation (read above), this items of this library are available in the "Electrical Symbols US" category of the Furniture catalog pane and you can add them to the plan.
2D electrical symbols used in the United States by Gary Cardun
(232 kB - 49 models - Free Art License)
We guess they are Dungeons & Dragons fans who use also Sweet Home 3D: after the Dungeon Builder library designed by John and described above, Phoney Baloney designed a set of 2D symbols for dungeon mapping in ticket #571. Once installed, this items of this library will be available in the "Dungeon symbols" category.
Dungeon mapping symbols in Dungeons and Dragons by Phoney Baloney
(201 kB - 34 models - Free Art License)
3D Light Shapes
The very faithful contributor EnkoNyito (see his interview and many threads in the forum) improved and updated in ticket #680 the Logos and Neons libraries created by the no less great Ceciliabr. Once installed, the models of the two SH3F files will be available in the "Lights" category and accessible with the "neon" or "logo" keywords. Enjoy!
Neons-LightShape and Logos-LightShape libraries by EnkoNyito and Ceciliabr
(2.1 MB and 744 kB - 19 and 8 models - Free Art License)
Old furniture
You like old furniture? Me too! Thanks to Graff alias Captaincook, there are some old Breton furniture to download in ticket #657, ticket #658, ticket #659, ticket #660 and ticket #661.
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Five old breton furniture by Graff (Captaincook) (391, 259, 842, 432 and 952 kB - Free Art License) |
But Graff is not only fond of old fashion furniture and he proposes also the following drawing board in ticket #662 and many other modern objects in the 3D Models Contributions Tracking System at
Drawing board By Graff
(865 kB - Free Art License)
Other useful furniture
Even if, since December 2022, there has been a new Staircase generator plug-in in Sweet Home 3D, you may be interested by the very modular Staircases for Public Spaces published by Keet in ticket #666. This SH3F file contains 13 models which allow to realize easily different combinations for this sort of very commun public staircases. Once installed, the models can be found in the "Staircases" category.
Staircases Public Spaces by Keet
(5.5 MB - License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 © 2022 Keet)
Keet, a very kind contributor indeed, proposes also in ticket #664 a set of modern rain gutters to create a very detailed gutter system. His SH3F file contains 27 parts belonging to the "Rain Gutters" category and a SH3D example file to understand how to assemble them.
Rain Gutters by Keet
(5.5 MB - 27 models - Free Art License)
Last but not least, Keet offers in ticket #667 a murphy bed and a side cabinet.
Murphy bed by Keet
(1.2 MB and 452 kB - 2 models - Free Art License)
My own proposition in ticket #656 is not bad too!
Murphy bed and cabinet by Véronique Puybaret
(803 kB - Free Art License)
I found useful and well designed many of the models that Mr Jaw proposes in tickets #606 to 649. Each model is stored in a SH3F file belonging to different categories (type "Mr Jaw" in search field to find them). Here are my favorite ones (except some colors that you can change).
Different models proposed by MrJaw
(from 10 to 339 kB - Free Art License)
Finally for this Additional contributors libraries update, let's talk about Dirk Nessenius who shared recently Volkswagen models in ticket #681 which will complete the quite large cars collection added to the Furniture Libraries 1.9. There is not my old Golf but the following Passat is really well designed and there are 4 other nice models available in the same ticket. Have a look and try them!
Volkswagen Passat by Dirk Nessenius
(2.8 MB - Free Art License)
Again, many thanks to all Sweet Home 3D contributors and sorry for the ones who may not have been quoted here.