Sweet Home 3D Online now accessible for all websites
Do you want to let the users design and arrange their home on your website? Try the services proposed by Cinchéo!
Sweet Home 3D 6.4
Sweet Home 3D 6.4 was released tonight with a few bug fixes and internal improvements for the new Sweet Home 3D Online Manager and Sweet Home 3D JS Online Editor.
YafaRay rendering plug-in
Here's an additional photo creation plug-in based on YafaRay rendering engine, which will allow you to compute nice images faster.
Sweet Home 3D for smart buildings
This article explores how users of Sweet Home 3D connect the design of their home with domotic software.
Sweet Home 3D 6.2
Sweet Home 3D 6.2 was released yesterday to fix some bugs, mainly in relation with groups management.
And you, how do you use your Sweet Home 3D? Episode 25
In Italy, Gerardo's students enjoy using Sweet Home 3D to design very impressive projects. He kindly presented the nicest ones and answered to our questions.
And you, how do you use your Sweet Home 3D? Episode 24
UbuntuBirdy has designed a whole houseboats fleet using Sweet Home 3D, waiting for the moment he will be able to build them.
Sweet Home 3D at school
Sweet Home 3D is used in many schools in the world. Some French teachers kindly answered to our questions.
Sweet Home 3D shortcuts
This article lists all the shortcuts of Sweet Home 3D to help you spend your time more efficiently on designing a nice home.
How to optimize the design of large buildings
This article proposes several tips to create and optimize the design of large buildings.
Sweet Home 3D 6.1
Sweet Home 3D 6.1 was released two days ago with some bug fixes and a few improvements.
Customization for the Forensic Police
The French Forensic Police Office chose Sweet Home 3D as a tool to represent crime and road scenes. Discover the new plug-ins and 3D models developed for them.
Sweet Home 3D 6.0
Sweet Home 3D 6.0 was released on October 11, 2018 with many new features like the ability to open doors and windows, to handle furniture prices, to shift textures, to enter math expressions, with a revamped catalog and a better support of HiDPI screens.
Photo rendering engines performance test
This article presents some performance tests made with various photo rendering engines that could be used with Sweet Home 3D in the future.
And you, how do you use your Sweet Home 3D? Episode 23
Dorin is from Romania and has used Sweet Home 3D since 2009. He likes open source software and explains how he uses them for his contributions.
And you, how do you use your Sweet Home 3D? Episode 22
Felipe is a very responsive teacher in Ecuador. Proud of his pupils, he wanted to show their homework and explain how he uses Sweet Home 3D.